Hello Delegates,
I am Keith Kuder and I am piloting this free email subscription service in my campaign for Secretary. We have the option to create this email subscription service with a password requirement if we want? Or we can keep it open and transparent for any constituent to subscribe.
My goal is provide a means of economical communication between all Delegates. Are you tired of multiple phone calls? There is no better way of reaching all 1200 plus delegates then by using a free blog online with a RSS feed converted to a free email subscription service. I know that may be very technical but this technology is free and available for us to use today. Thank you for subscribing. Please inform your surrounding delegates in Utah County about this email subscription.
Now let's see how many subscribe! Onward and Upward the Republican Party goes!
Thank you,
Keith Kuder
[email protected]
Cell (801) 471-6037