Dear Fellow Republican,
When I decided to run to become your new Utah County Republican Party Secretary, I campaigned on a need for responsible change for our Party.
Not a change of our core values, but real change of how we go about listening to our delegates, how we communicate our message from the bottom up to our Republican leaders. We need and can get ourselves to be better organized to win elections with the best GOP representatives. A fair, open dialog and healthy competition amongst Republicans gives us the best Republican leaders to step forward and lead our GOP party. It simply is not enough to say you’re a Republican anymore. We need to see our leaders live it to the core. As Jason Chaffetz is sleeping in his cot.
While I'm excited about the challenges and opportunities we face, I have no illusions. I am fully aware of the hard work ahead and obstacles we must overcome to give ourselves some fair and balanced Republican blood.
But this isn't about me -- I can't do this alone.
It's about you and every Republican grassroots leader who believes in restoring the voice to the people.
And it's about empowering you to lead and giving you the tools to help our Party set a new direction for our country.
Successful campaigns cannot be run from inside an office building. The strength of our Party comes from people like you who believe in our values and ideals and promote them in their communities. It’s time to adapt to the social networking and not adapt to socialism. Our Party deserves much more then just a hand shake once a year by our establishment. Or a great speech at the Convention. We need the establishment to listen to our concerns, fears, and proposals for solutions for our State and Local Government. If they won’t listen to us then we need to replace them with someone (Republican) who will.
I'm asking you to do two very important things for me:
1) Please take a moment right now to visit our Utah County Republican Party website and look at all of the candidates who have worked hard to earn your vote.
2) Please consider all of the political scandals you have heard of in our Utah County Politics and please consider it is the tip of the iceberg. There are more. Politicians work hard to keep things private and the media finds ways to see their mistakes. The question has been asked for the Federal Government, When is Enough…Enough? Now I ask you the same question in regards to our local level, When is Enough….Enough?
It is so important that you hear my plea to be involved with your Utah County Republican Party. We need to campaign to educate and mobilize each Republican who wants our State Legislators and Washington to listen to the voice of the people. We may not have Joe the Plumber living in Utah County but I stand with you as your Keith the Tech Guru and Marketing Guru. I want to speak up and lift up our values so everyone knows we all care and are fed up. Democrats are pushing down our throats there liberal minded agenda attack on our children’s future. Debt in the Trillions will be held on your grand-children’s shoulders, my shoulders, and my children’s shoulders. I am getting involved to get the Young Republican’s voice heard by seasoned Republicans. I am putting the status quo on check and I need your vote do just that.
Please know that your guidance vote matters tomorrow.
Our Party cannot do anything without you so please attend tomorrow.
Utah County Organizing Convention info
Keith Kuder
Keith Kuder
Secretary, Utah County Republican Party Candidate
P.S. I am eager to have all delegates be informed of Utah County Republican politics in real time so please inform every delegate you know to subscribe to my newsletter.
Thank you.