One of the most set apart and known days in the World is Psalm Sunday. This day is known for the Sunday feast prior to Easter Sunday. The feast commemorates the Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem which is now celebrated as a Holy week. According to the Gospels Jesus rode a donkey on this journey into Jerusalem. History symbolism illustrates that the donkey is a animal of peace. As Jesus made his journey it is recorded that people celebrated and laid down their cloaks in front of him and also small branches of trees. Everyone was singing “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
It is estimated that there are over 6.9 billion people on the earth today and thirty-three percent are known to be Christian, which is a follower of Jesus Christ. But as I have gone around in my journey in life I have meet people from almost all denominations who have respected or honored the principled teachings that come from Jesus Christ. The hope of where we all came from and where we’re all going to end up is spoken of in reverence with mutual respect.
I personally feel like I have walked the steps along with Christ on his journey into Jerusalem. Especially during some really difficult patches in my life where I have felt helplessness and suicidal over some poor decisions I’ve made. I am not perfect and when I ask for forgiveness from God I do so in the name of Jesus Christ. His infinite love for me has made my life bearable. And when I say I feel like I have walked the steps along with him I say so from the personal experiences I’ve had with family and friends lifting me up and providing me with the tools to go on living.
I have been taught that we are alive so we may experience things, be tried and tempted to do evil, and learn wisdom so we may pass on our strengths and talents to others. To pass down more opportunities for our Children, family, and posterity that we might have never been afforded the opportunity to do. This is turn circles my mind back to the journey that Christ provided all of us by his example into Jerusalem. He knew what was at stake and he knew exactly what was going to happen and yet he continued on his journey. And so I continue through my journey knowing that for whatever strengths and capacities I have to do good that evil wants me working on their side even more. I emphasize more because I have my Agency to good and if I choose to do good than blessings are afforded to me. And so evil wants me even more because it would provide me a life of bondage, which isn’t very appealing eternally and only is temporary happiness.
So when Psalm Sunday comes around I have found myself with the appreciation of God in my heart, words, and actions. This day is a beacon of hope that is essentially needed in my humanistic existence. I am nothing without Christ. I am nothing without the words of Christ at the Last Super right before his journey into the crucifixion “Love one another. As I have loved you, so love one another” Bible John 13. Those last words of wisdom are known as his great and last commandment. It will be a sad day if I have no love for family and friends and my heart would no long beat as if a drum beat of hope to others. So on this Psalm Sunday, I promise to myself that I will continue to march on to live another cliff hanging journey through experience, trial, and knowledge and I do so with Christ standing next to me.
Thank you Lord for what you've done for me, Thank you Lord for what your doing with me now. Please everyone sing along with my good friend Kalai and I:
It is estimated that there are over 6.9 billion people on the earth today and thirty-three percent are known to be Christian, which is a follower of Jesus Christ. But as I have gone around in my journey in life I have meet people from almost all denominations who have respected or honored the principled teachings that come from Jesus Christ. The hope of where we all came from and where we’re all going to end up is spoken of in reverence with mutual respect.
I personally feel like I have walked the steps along with Christ on his journey into Jerusalem. Especially during some really difficult patches in my life where I have felt helplessness and suicidal over some poor decisions I’ve made. I am not perfect and when I ask for forgiveness from God I do so in the name of Jesus Christ. His infinite love for me has made my life bearable. And when I say I feel like I have walked the steps along with him I say so from the personal experiences I’ve had with family and friends lifting me up and providing me with the tools to go on living.
I have been taught that we are alive so we may experience things, be tried and tempted to do evil, and learn wisdom so we may pass on our strengths and talents to others. To pass down more opportunities for our Children, family, and posterity that we might have never been afforded the opportunity to do. This is turn circles my mind back to the journey that Christ provided all of us by his example into Jerusalem. He knew what was at stake and he knew exactly what was going to happen and yet he continued on his journey. And so I continue through my journey knowing that for whatever strengths and capacities I have to do good that evil wants me working on their side even more. I emphasize more because I have my Agency to good and if I choose to do good than blessings are afforded to me. And so evil wants me even more because it would provide me a life of bondage, which isn’t very appealing eternally and only is temporary happiness.
So when Psalm Sunday comes around I have found myself with the appreciation of God in my heart, words, and actions. This day is a beacon of hope that is essentially needed in my humanistic existence. I am nothing without Christ. I am nothing without the words of Christ at the Last Super right before his journey into the crucifixion “Love one another. As I have loved you, so love one another” Bible John 13. Those last words of wisdom are known as his great and last commandment. It will be a sad day if I have no love for family and friends and my heart would no long beat as if a drum beat of hope to others. So on this Psalm Sunday, I promise to myself that I will continue to march on to live another cliff hanging journey through experience, trial, and knowledge and I do so with Christ standing next to me.
Thank you Lord for what you've done for me, Thank you Lord for what your doing with me now. Please everyone sing along with my good friend Kalai and I:
Happy Pslam Sunday!
Keith Kuder
[email protected]
Keith Kuder
[email protected]