Senator Hatch & Keith Kuder - 2011
The sum of all fears of any elected official is to be sucked into the Washington D.C. lifestyle that goes beyond anyone’s means of humility. Money and power can hypnotize the mind into doing wrong things. Every action in life only builds upon a person’s character. The overwhelming ego of pridefulness is damaging to oneself. How do we want to remembered? We each have a legacy to pass on in history. I am not perfect myself with pride and I value and appreciate when my friends step in and humble me back to reality.
When is enough, enough for a politician? Why must one person stay in power for so many years? I really don’t find myself going too negative because voters in Utah have kept voting for Senator Hatch to be re-elected all these years and obviously they kept doing so for a reason. But when is enough, enough? Thirty-six years sounds like enough to me. When is not time to come home and spend time with your family and appreciate the American Dream? There are over six billion people on this planet earth and there are more and more willing to take up the mantle and make a change in the world for good. No one needs to keep the position of power until death. That only brings dictatorship to anyone’s mind. America is the land of the bold and free where we have blessed opportunities to grow, experience, and learn. I value and appreciate those in office who get elected and serve a purpose then come home with honor, much like those in serving in the Military.
Just like any Grandfather, Grandmother, Father, or Mother who understands that we all want to pass on the opportunity for our children to experience the things we have experienced, but in a greater keen of comprehension and ability of success, I ask for any elected official to find the same sense of comprehension when seeing the time to pass on the mantle of responsibility on to the next generation of humanity in government. Why campaign with negative attacks on your character? I realize every campaign has negative attacks. But when our life nears to our very end, why not retire with dignity and respect. A career politician defeated at re-election only brings a bad taste of corrupt government to anyone’s mind, which is a path that is very unnecessary when retirement is always an option. At a time when public opinion polls are down of elected officials, should we not see all elected officials taking responsibility and a course of action to bring up those polls?
Now I feel like I am not asking much of Senator Hatch, if I was then I would ask him to retire with dignity and to ask the future Utah United States Senator to hire him as Chief of Staff. Now that would be humble and historic. Not everyone needs to be President of the United States to make a difference in America. I value and honor the capacity of all serving leaders in every level of government and would like to see all representatives serving with charisma that would surpass all historic levels. That is what I see in the American Dream. So please Senator Orrin Grant Hatch retire this year and continue to assist in the American Dream by using your level of influence for good by working behind the scenes, as every American Voter does.
Keith Kuder
[email protected]